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Be very careful of upcoming volatility. We expect a $20.253 movement on USDCHF.

Be very careful of upcoming volatility because of Switzerland KOF Leading Indicators news event later today. Based on the last 12 KOF Leading Indicators events in Switzerland, we expect a $20.253 movement on USDCHF within 12 hours following the event release at 30 Aug 07:00. We expect this to happen if the released value is > 94.5. A price movement of 2 pips is expected.

Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

30 Jul 07:00
29 Mar 08:00

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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We expect a $1,331.22 movement on GI within 4 hours following the event release at 30 Aug 07:00.