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We expect UB to trend upwards today with a 83.33% chance.

We expect UB to trend upwards later today. Based on these past Japan Consumer Confidence news events there is a 83.33% chance of this. We expect this to happen if the released value is < 36.1. A price movement of 112 pips is expected. Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

01 Dec 05:00
31 Oct 05:00
30 Sep 05:00
29 Jul 05:00
29 Jun 05:00

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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USD/JPY a traversé le support d’un Canal vers le Haut. Il a touché cette ligne au mois deux fois dans les 26 derniers jours.

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There is a 66.67% chance of AUDUSD trending downwards