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We expect HO to trend downwards today with a 66.67% chance.

Based on the last 12 Balance of Trade events in Japan, we expect HO to trend downwards later today. Based on these past events there is a 66.67% chance of this. We expect HO to trend downwards 48 hours following the event release at 19 May 23:50 if the released value is < ¥140B. A price movement of 14 pips is expected. Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

16 Mar 23:50
20 Jan 23:50
18 Oct 23:50
20 May 23:50

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Important price line being approached by CORN JULY 2021. This price has been tested numerous times before.

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A final push expected on EUSTX50 as it starts approaching a price line of 3837.0000.