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We expect AUDUSD to trend upwards for the next 12 hours.

Based on the last 12 Balance of Trade events in Australia, we could see a $360 movement on AUDUSD within the next 12 hours. AUDUSD could trend upwards for the next 12 hours because the released value is < A$7.30B Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

05 Apr 00:30
07 Mar 00:30
05 Feb 00:30
07 Dec 00:30
02 Nov 00:30
07 Sep 01:30
08 Jun 01:30

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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We expect a $824638 movement on NQ within the next 4 hours.

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A final push possible on AUS200 as it starts approaching a price line of 7622.0000.