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We expect a $8513 movement on GC within 2 hours following the release of RBA Interest Rate Decision.

Based on past Australia RBA Interest Rate Decision news events there is a 66.67% chance of GC trending upwards. We expect this to happen if the released value is = 3.1%. A price movement of 470 pips is expected.

Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

01 Nov 03:30
02 Aug 04:30
05 Apr 04:30
01 Mar 03:30
01 Feb 03:30
02 Nov 03:30

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Nous nous attendons à ce que GBPUSD aille à la baisse plus tard dans la journée. D’après les précédents évènements de Australie pour Rba Décision De Taux D'Intérêt il y a une probabilité de 88,89% que cela arrive.

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Esperamos un movimiento en $949 del CL dentro de 48 después del evento publicado a las 2022-12-06 03:30.