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We expect a $21,135.048 movement on PL within 4 hours following the event release at 28 May 07:00.

Based on the last 12 KOF Leading Indicators events in Switzerland, we expect a $21,135.048 movement on PL within 4 hours following the event release at 28 May 07:00. We expect PL to trend upwards 4 hours following the event release at 28 May 07:00 if the released value is < 136 Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

29 Jan 08:00
30 Oct 08:00
29 May 07:00

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Soybean Meal JULY 2021 moves lower to 383.3 in the last 16 days.

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JPN225 moves higher to 29,195 in the last 2 days.