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We expect a $10,916,112.5 movement on NKD within 48 hours following the event release at 16 Jun 12:30.

Based on the last 12 Inflation Rate YoY events in Canada, we expect a $10,916,112.5 movement on NKD within 48 hours following the event release at 16 Jun 12:30. We expect NKD to trend downwards 48 hours following the event release at 16 Jun 12:30 if the released value is > 3.5%

Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

17 Feb 13:30
18 Nov 13:30
22 Jul 12:30

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Caterpillar Inc. experienced a very large 12 days bearish move to 218.89

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Microsoft Corporation has broken through support of a Rising Wedge. It has touched this line at least twice in the last 14 days.