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There is a 72.73% chance of AUDUSD trending upwards

Based on the last 12 Fed Interest Rate Decision events in United States, AUDUSD could experience an upwards trend. Based on these past events there is a 72.73% chance of this, and the trend could last 12 hours because the released value is = 5.5%.

Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

26 Jul 18:00
14 Jun 18:00
03 May 18:00
22 Mar 18:00
01 Feb 19:00
27 Jul 18:00
04 May 18:00
16 Mar 18:00

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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D’après les évènements États-Unis Fed Décision De Taux D'Intérêt passés, il y a une probabilité de 72,73% que NZDUSD aille à la hausse