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Support line breached by EUR/USD. This price has been tested at least twice before.

EUR/USD has broken through the support line which it has tested twice in the past. We have seen it retrace from this line before, so one should wait for confirmation of the breakout before trading. If this new trend persists, a target level of around 1.0360 may materialize within the next 6 hours.

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Basándonos en los últimos 12 eventos de Ventas Al Por Menor – Variación Mensual en Estados Unidos, esperamos que el par CL adopte una tendencia descendente a última hora de hoy. Según estos eventos, hay un 75% de probabilidad de que esto suceda.

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Ligne de tendance de support cassée par EUR/USD. Ce prix a déjà été testé au moins deux fois auparavant.