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After testing 37866.6289 numerous times, BTCUSD is once again approaching this price point. Can we expect a bullish trend to follow?

BTCUSD is heading towards 37866.6289 and could reach this point within the next 2 days. It has tested this line numerous times in the past, and this time could be no different, ending in a rebound instead of a breakout. If the breakout doesn’t happen, we could see a retracement back down to current levels.

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Después de probar 37866.6289 en numerosas ocasiones, el BTCUSD vuelve, una vez más, a acercarse a este punto de precio. ¿Podemos esperar que siga una tendencia alcista?

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Après avoir testé 37866.6289 plusieurs fois auparavant, BTCUSD s’approche de nouveau de ce prix. Peut-on s’attendre à une tendance haussière par la suite ?