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80.0% probability that NZDUSD will trend down

80.0% probability that NZDUSD will trend down

Based on the last 12 Continuing Jobless Claims events in US, we expect NZDUSD to trend down later today. Based on these past events there is a 80.0% of this.
This will happen if the released value is < 1720K Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

18 Apr 12:30
11 Apr 12:30
04 Apr 12:30
21 Mar 12:30
14 Mar 12:30
07 Mar 13:30
21 Feb 13:30
14 Feb 13:30

* All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”)

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USD/JPY Target Level: 111.7300

USD/JPY Target Level: 111.7300