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We expect USDCAD to trend downwards with a 80% chance.

We expect a $631 movement on USDCAD within the next 48 hours. We expect USDCAD to trend downwards 48 hours following the Inflation Rate MoM events in United States release because the released value is < 0.1%. A price movement of 86 pips is expected. Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

15 May 12:30
14 Nov 13:30
12 Jul 12:30
13 Jun 12:30

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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If you’re short BTCUSD you should be aware that 67620.2969 has just been breached – a level tested 5 time in the past

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We expect a $10342950 movement on NKD within the next 4 hours.

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