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We expect RTY to trend upwards for the next 48 hours.

Based on past Switzerland GDP Growth Rate QoQ news events there is a 75% chance of RTY trending upwards. We expect this to happen because the released value is < 0.4%. A price movement of 5214 pips is expected. Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

28 Feb 08:00
02 Sep 07:00
03 Jun 05:45

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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El NZD/USD ha atravesado la resistencia de Cuña descendente. Ha llegado a esta línea por lo menos dos veces en 19 días.

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D’après les évènements Suisse Pib Taux De Croissance En Glissement Trimestriel passés, il y a une probabilité de 75% que GBPUSD aille à la hausse

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