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We expect a $196812 movement on CC within the next 48 hours.

We expect CC to trend downwards for the next 48 hours. Based on these past Switzerland SNB Interest Rate Decison news events there is a 72.73% chance of this. We expect this to happen because the released value is = 0.5%. A price movement of 8400 pips is expected.

Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

16 Dec 08:30
23 Sep 07:30
17 Jun 07:30
25 Mar 08:30
24 Sep 07:30
19 Mar 08:30
12 Dec 08:30

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Esperamos que el UB adopte una tendencia descendente durante las próximas 2 horas. Basándonos en los últimos eventos de Snb Tasa De Interés Decison en Suiza, hay un 72,73% de probabilidades de que esto suceda.

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Nous attendons un mouvement de $550 pour AUDUSD dans les 2 prochaines heures.

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