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Supports and resistances are primary concepts of technical analysis. BTCAUD is heading for an important price of 56280.7305 – read about what this could mean for the future.

BTCAUD is moving towards a key support level at 56280.7305. BTCAUD has previously tested this level 4 times and on each occasion it has bounced back off this level. Is this finally the time it will break through?

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Les supports et les résistances sont des concepts fondamentaux de l’analyse technique. BTCAUD se dirige vers un prix important de 56280.7305 – lisez ce que cela pourrait signifier pour l’avenir.

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Los soportes y las resistencias son conceptos primarios del análisis técnico. BTCAUD se dirige a un precio importante en 56280.7305: lea sobre lo que esto podría significar para el futuro.

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