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EUR/USD broke through a resistance at 2023-12-07T09:30:00.000Z, with the price momentum continuing to move in an upward direction over the next hours, good opportunity presents itself with the price expected to reach 1.0799.

This trade steup on EUR/USD is formed by a period of consolidation; a period in which the price primarily moves sideways before choosing a new direction for the longer term. Because of the bullish breakout through resistance, it seems to suggest that we could see the next price move to 1.0799.

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EUR/USD atravesó un nivel de resistencia a las 2023-12-07T09:30:00.000Z, con el impulso del precio que continúa moviéndose en dirección alcista para las próximas horas, se presenta una buena oportunidad, ya que se espera que el precio llegue a 1.0799.

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