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We expect ES to trend downwards with a 80% chance.

Based on the last 12 Balance of Trade events in Japan, we may expect ES to trend downwards right now. Based on these past events there is a 80% chance of this. We made this conclusion because because the released value is < ¥-659.1B. A price movement of 4625 pips may be experienced. Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

14 Jun 23:50
14 Dec 23:50
16 Nov 23:50
14 Sep 23:50

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Esperamos un movimiento de 2775 en el NQ durante las próximas 4 horas.

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We expect NZDUSD to trend downwards for the next 12 hours.

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