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We expect a $3545300 movement on NIY within 48 hours following the event release at 2023-07-11 06:00.

We expect a $3545300 movement on NIY within 48 hours following the release of Unemployment Rate at 2023-07-11 06:00. We expect NIY to trend downwards 48 hours following the event release at 2023-07-11 06:00 if the released value is > 3.8%. A price movement of 11000 pips is expected.

Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

18 Apr 06:00
15 Nov 07:00
14 Jun 06:00

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Nous nous attendons à ce que USDJPY aille à la baisse pour les prochaines 12 heures. D’après les précédents évènements de Royaume-Uni pour Taux De Chômage il y a une probabilité de 66,67% que cela arrive.

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ADAUSD – approaching a price line that has been previously tested numerous times in the past

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