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We expect a $178 movement on USDJPY within the next 12 hours.

Based on the last 12 Balance of Trade events in Japan, we could see USDJPY trend downwards right now. Based on historical events there is a 71.43% chance of this. This may happen because the released value is > ¥-735.7B

Historical events that allowed us to draw this conclusion

18 Oct 23:50
19 Jul 23:50
19 Apr 23:50
15 Mar 23:50
15 Feb 23:50

All references to movement sizes are expressed assuming a lot size of 100,000 units (“standard account”).

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Un dernier effort est attendu pour la paire Lean Hogs DECEMBER 2023 alors qu’elle approche d’une ligne de prix de 70.6000.

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Esperamos que el PL adopte hoy una tendencia upwards con un 71,43% de posibilidades.

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