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A possible move by Soybean Oil January 2024 towards 50.5636

Soybean Oil January 2024 has broken through a resistance line of a Falling Wedge chart pattern. If this breakout holds true, we may see the price of Soybean Oil January 2024 testing 50.5636 within the next 5 hours. But don’t be so quick to trade, it has tested this line in the past, so you should confirm the breakout before taking any action.

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Después de probar 0.8714 en numerosas ocasiones, el USD/CHF vuelve, una vez más, a acercarse a este punto de precio. ¿Podemos esperar que siga una tendencia bajista?

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Après avoir testé 0.8714 plusieurs fois auparavant, USD/CHF s’approche de nouveau de ce prix. Peut-on s’attendre à une tendance baissière par la suite ?

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